It’s now 7 years since two VL3 aircraft crossed the Atlantic ocean on their way to EAA Airventure in Oshkosh. The 2016 expedition took 30 flight hours and covered 6599 km’s over 6 legs, while flying over North Atlantic waters for the most part.
We are proud to announce that another Atlantic expedition is taking place once again this week. Our factory pilot, Olivier Ronveaux, is currently flying his VL3 #461 over the ocean to the Oshkosh airshow.
“I will be flying alone and will be departing from the Czech Republic early July. In order to make the leg from Iceland to Greenland, extra fuel tanks are required on the passenger seat,“ added Olivier when discussing his trip planning last month.
History was made yesterday when Olivier completed the longest journey between Iceland and Canada, spending nearly 10 hours in flight aboard his VL3 aircraft. He successfully reached Gose Bay Airport shortly before 7pm local time.
Stay tuned for more information, pictures and much more from Olivier’s one of a kind VL3 journey coming out soon. See Olivier’s flight log HERE.